Já é Natal! Chegou aquela época do ano de esperar o bom velhinho, esperar pelos presentes. Olha só que coisa boa! Papai Noel, aquele senhor rechonchudo, de barba branquinha, gargalhada espontânea, gente boa pra caramba, certo? Errado. Hollywood acaba de trazer pra gente um Papai Noel que chuta bundas.

David Harbour está fazendo agora uma versão do Papai Noel que você nunca viu antes. Você já viu Papai Noel bom velhinho muitas vezes. Algumas vezes, o cinema já trouxe Papai Noel de mal-humore até Papai Noel do. Agora, Papai Noel que cancela CPF de vagabundo? Essa é a primeira vez. Bora conhecer o filme Noite Infeliz!

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So, this is Christmas! That time of year has come to wait for the good old man, wait for the gifts. Look what a good thing! Santa Claus, that chubby gentleman, with the white beard, spontaneous laughter, good people as hell, right? Wrong. Hollywood just brought us an ass-kicking Santa Claus. David Harbor is now making a version of Santa that you've never seen before. You've seen Santa Claus several times, that's for sure. Sometimes, the cinema has already brought Santa Claus in a bad mood and even Santa Claus in terror. Cinema always takes advantage, right? Now, Santa Claus who kills bums? That is the first time. Let's check out the movie Violent Night now! Hey Nerd, Tranks? Peter here! I could end the video here by saying that David Harbour is the new Santa Claus. Okay, here's the tip for you to watch. I didn't even need to say anything else. David Harbour is a beast as hell, badass! He's the only guy who's been in a Marvel, DC, and Dark Horse Comics movie. The only! Three different publishers. He was already the Red Guardian in the Black Widow movie and will now return in the Thunderbolts movie. The actor also played the character Dexter Tolliver in Suicide Squad, from DC Comics. You probably don't remember him, but he was the guy who authorized Amanda Waller to assemble a team of supervillains. And, closing with a golden key, David Harbor was Hellboy in the 2019 remake. And I think he's even better known as
Chief Hopper from the Stranger Things series. So, let's agree: with a resume like that, just put the guy's name in the cast and success will come. David Harbor from Santa Claus?
Santa Claus who busts up bad guys? Gee, end the video, editor! Let's find out what this movie is Violent Night! You'll be excited
about the idea! It's not what you're thinking, you'll be pissed! So first, do you believe in Santa Claus? You do not believe? No, just kidding! What are you going to ask Santa Claus for a gift? No, I'm kidding too,
but also… if you want to comment! But comment the following, Are you hyped for this movie? What do you expect from this movie, Santa Claus who kill? Comment down here let's go. I haven't convinced you yet? I'm going to reveal one more detail, I want to see if it won't convince you: Violent Night is from the production company 87North Productions. This name, you'll say "Wow, Peter, what is that?", right? Well, this is the same production company that debuted Nobody. Whoa, look at this! Now I've convinced you, haven't I? Because that's exactly what you're going to see in Violent Night,
the same level of brutality, the same level of toughness as Nobody. Anyone who has seen Nobody… I think it's very difficult for someone to have watched Nobody and have said "I didn't like it", very difficult. I didn't know, because for me it was an absurdly good film, absurdly good. "Peter, I've never seen it!" So do the following, watch what I want to see, watch. I want to see you come back down here later and tell me what you thought. I doubt you won't say, "wow, thanks Peter. What a good tip."

And what's the plot? The plot is very simple, but also very crazy. It's Christmas, tralalá, happy family, house all decorated, little children writing a letter to Santa Claus, everything cute as the costumes say. That's where a squad of mercenaries in the mansion comes in. It's a tough crowd, led by the great actor John Leguizamo. These mercenaries want money, this family is very rich and everyone is being held hostage. Who will save this family from the clutches of the bandits? Is it the police? Is that John Mclane from Die Hard? No, not you, Chapulin. It's Santa Claus. The little girl comes into contact with the Good Old Man and kissuco boils. Santa Claus will kill everyone, he will kick ass to save this family. Guys, you don't understand! the guy uses a Christmas tree star to pierce a thug's eye. It's that level. There's a reason in the movie that this Santa Claus has violence within him. I'm not going to say it here so as not to give spoilers, but the movie explains: this is not the Santa Claus you saw in other movies. This one has a gritty past and he's going to use that brutal side to kill without mercy. Crazy, when he takes the sledgehammer… takes the kids out of the room. This is not a movie to watch with small children. If your kid sees this, he'll never want to go near Santa Claus at the mall again, just saying so. Actor David Harbor was worried about whether to take the role or not. Just feel what he said in an interview: “My initial thoughts were, 'What the hell is this? I don't know what you're talking about'. It was sold to me as a Christmas movie that was an action comedy.” Then David Harbor arrived to record and saw that the stuff was crazy. If you mess around, the actor killed more people in this movie than in all the other movies he's done combined. But David Harbor also saw that there was a mystery in the script, there was an explanation. So, he thought: doing the thing well, the film had everything to be successful. And it is. I'm just seeing praise on top of praise for the film. David Harbor's choice was perfect for two reasons. First, of course, is its size. The guy is big and has already convinced us in several jobs that he is capable of breaking someone easily. Anyone who didn't get goosebumps watching Jim Hopper having a 1v1 with a Demogorgon doesn't get goosebumps from anything else. But there's also a second reason: David Harbour manages to convey to us a kind of daddy, barbecue uncle, A tough but friendly guy. We saw this a lot in Stranger Things, where he becomes Eleven's loving father. We saw this again in the Black Widow movie itself. He convinces the audience that he is Natasha and Yelena's father. Here, the same thing happens. In Violent Night, he plays a Santa Claus who spends his wax on banditry, But he also creates an affectionate relationship
with little Trudy, the little girl who was kidnapped. The two talk to each other via walkie-talkie for most of the film and you can see that Santa Claus likes the girl. These two sides of the same character were perfect for David Harbour. I think… perfect choice, you know? The box office is very good and the hope of the producers is to turn Unfortunate Night into a franchise.

It's going to be the new Die Hard. David Harbour is also up for it. He said that it depends a lot on the audience, but that he would like it very much. You've watched? Have you watched yet? Write in the comments and here's my recommendation. And if you've seen it, Nobody, comment below, what did you think? Just to, well, endorse my opinion, right? Because I doubt you'll say it was bad! Comment there, subscribe to the channel, activate the bell. Always cool tips, I'm always giving cool tips, guys, see? I'm not talking to you about clapperboard number 27, landscape, these critical things that I don't know about, But I send you tips on good films, huh! We're together on this as hell. Subscribe here, activate the bell, thank you from the heart. We're almost hitting 13,000,000. Thank you guys! Bye. [Subtitles: Edu Melo]

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