DEEP DIVE: JESSICA JONES | Marvel Contest of Champions
Jessica throws everything AND the Kitchen Sink at her Opponents… Once she conducts a thorough investigation she becomes an Unstoppable and Unblockable force in the Contest!
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Welcome back to another champion Deep Dive today we're talking about Jessica Jones With Jessica you can never be certain Just what you're gonna get but one Thing's for sure that private eye will Leave her foes weak in the knees you'll See some big yellow numbers as she goes Unblockable and Unstoppable with some Tag Team Action on her special three That'll have you feeling indestructible Now let's get it [Music] Foreign Jessica Jones enters the contest Prepared to spark up an investigation Jessica gains one investigation charge When the opponent is inflicted with the Debuff other than weakness or stun this Also happens when the opponent gains a Bar of power However she'll lose two investigation Charges if the opponent activates a Cleanse effect [Music] Or they purify a debuff With Friends When fighting as a Defender when her Opponent gains a bar of power she'll Gain two stacks of Investigation instead Of one Naturally Jessica's investigation Increasingly makes the opponent more Nervous as it goes on each stack of Investigation increases the opponent's
Chance to launch a special attack by 18 It also reduces their ability power rate And regeneration rate by eight percent Investigation maxes out at 10 Stacks Once this happens the investigation is Complete and can no longer be gained or Lost now when the opponent activates a Special attack for each investigation Jessica inflicts a two percent weakness Debuff lasting until the end of the Attack and if the opponent has three or More debuffs she'll gain a resistance up Test If they have five or more debuffs she'll Also gain an Unstoppable passport And if she has 10 or more debuffs she'll Be in an unblockable Cap all three of these effects last for Two seconds after the end of the attack However the duration of these effects is Increased by four seconds when fighting As a Defender Once investigation reaches seven or more Jessica's own special attacks will Trigger her resistance up and Unstoppable passives now let's check out Her special attacks The special one on the last hit of this Attack Jessica picks up whatever's handy And throws it at the opponent causing a Different effect based on what was Thrown If she picks up a box she'll stun the Opponent for four seconds
The garbage can inflicts a crush debuff For nine seconds A fire hydrant inflicts a suppression Debuff for nine seconds The palette inflicts a physical Vulnerability debuff in 13 seconds the Tire inflicts a rupture debuff for nine Seconds the propane tank inflicts an Incinerate Diva for nine seconds The Pizza Grants Jessica a regeneration Passes for nine seconds finally the Kitchen sink applies all of the effects From every other item but the posing Seas are reduced by 50 These effects also trigger when Jessica Is blocked and she can't reuse items Until the kitchen sink has been used Now when she uses her heavy attack She'll pause all of these debuffs Inflicted by her special one other than Stun for two seconds With the special two on activation she Gains a fury passive for 10 seconds As well as up to four additional Theories for each unique object she's Thrown with her special one during that Fight These Fury passives are paused during Both Champions special attacks [Music] The special three At the end of this attack the opponent Will be stunned for five seconds Also she'll gain an indefinite dormant
And destructible charge triggering an Indestructible passive for two seconds The next time Jessica is here However this indestructible will not Trigger against the opponent's special Three Now let's check out her signature Ability When awakened Jessica gains a dossier For the opponent's class when she Reaches Max investigation increasing her Combat power rate by up to 25 percent While below one bar of power Dossiers are crossfites lasting for the Rest of the quest Once she has a dossier for three Different classes she also gains one for The superior class At the start of the fight if she already Has her opponent's docian she gains up To four investigation charges based on Her signature level now let's take her Out for a spin in the champion rotation To begin start hitting the opponent and Begin cycling your special one to build Up investigation and throw unique Objects The majority of the random objects that You pick up with your special one will Inflict at least one debuff on the Opponent allowing you to build up your Investigation faster From here repeat this process until You've reached Max investigation and
Thrown at least four unique objects at The opponent with your special one Now that you've ramped up build up to Your special two and launch when Available to gain your five stacks of Fury passes At this point if possible you could line Up your special two Fury with a special One object to increase your damage Output even further And when you inflict a desirable debuff With your special one You could shame your heavy attacks while Building back to your special too Until the opponent is knocked out Now let's check out some of her notable Synergies Power couple with Luke Cage on the team She starts the fight with a passive Indestructible charge that turns into an Indestructible passive the first time She is hit This Synergy also increases the chance Of throwing the box with her special one As for a Luke Cage the ability accuracy Of his exhaustion defaults inflicted on His light attacks is A 15 flat best man with Iron Fist and Immortal Iron Fist on the team whenever The opponent gains a debuff she has a 40 Chance to inflict the Stagger passes Lasting for 4 seconds this Synergy also Increases the chance of throwing the Fire hydrant on her special one as for
Iron Fist well-timed blocks inflict a Stagger debuff for two seconds Perfectly timing a well-timed block Inflicts a fate steel debuff instead Extra judicial proceedings with Daredevil and Daredevil's Hell's Kitchen On the team dodging attacks using the Dexterity Mastery does not Grant a Precision buff instead it inflicts an Exhaustion debuff lowering critical Damage rating by 500 or 6 seconds this Synergy also increases the chance of Throwing the pizza with their special One as for Daredevil whenever the combo Meter Rises past a multiple of 10 he Gains a true accuracy passive for 8 Seconds When fighting science Champions they'll Gain a true strike passive instead Punching purple people with Thanos Dragon man purgatory and storm pyramid X On the team Striking a champion with an active Prowess unblockable or true damage Effect Ranch Jessica a fury passenger Increasing attacker by 30 for 8 Seconds As for every other symmetry member Filling a bar of power randomly grants a Norman prowess unblockable or true Damage charge these charges are removed And replaced with their corresponding Buffs during this Champion's next Special attack Did you see a Synergy that sparked up an
Investigation of your own thinking of a New Synergy team let us know your Thoughts below and let's discuss Thank you for watching this Champion Deep dive for Jessica Jones And hey if you like the video and want To see more click subscribe like comment And share and remember we'll see you in The battle round Foreign [Music]