DEEP DIVE: MANTIS | Marvel Contest of Champions
Mantis plays with her Opponents emotions with Intimidate and Infuriate while setting them up for a guaranteed Big Yellow Numbers filled Special 2!
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Welcome back to another champion Deep Dive today we're talking about mantis [Music] Visa tranquilizing Purifying Master martial artist ready to Play with your emotions in and out of The fight intimidate infuriate I think You will appreciate her specialty so Potent her foes will pray for Mercy now Let's get into it [Music] Foreign mantis enters the contest with a New unique ability tranquilize Champions Under this effect have the ability Accuracy of their debuffs reduced by a Given potency While not performing an action mantis Stands perfectly still keeping Auto walk From activating without having to block This also inflicts the opponent with a 25 tranquilized passive Its potency is increased to 100 percent When fighting against science champions Whenever the opponent fails to inflict a Debuff due to Ability accuracy reduction While inflicting the tranquilized the Opponent gains an indefinite mixed Emotion passing but more on this in just A moment Now her tranquilize begins paused and Lasts for one second when mantis exits Her idle post which can be toggled by Double tapping block to enter and exit Her idle stance
And on defense her opponent is Permanently inflicted with a 25 potency Tranquilized Passage Or 100 against science champions However if her opponent has a regen Effect active this tranquilize is Removed Next up mantis has mixed emotions well Her opponents will dashing backwards After landing her first second or third Light attack inflicts a non-stacking Infuriate debuff on the opponent for Seven seconds making them more Aggressive and reducing their offensive Ability accuracy by 50 this ability has A 14 second cooldown intercepting the Opponent while they're inflicted with an Infuriate debuff inflicts two indefinite Mixed emotion passives now finishing a Combo with her fourth light attack and Clicks a non-stacking intimidate debuff On the opponent for 7 Seconds making Them less aggressive and reducing their Black proficiency this ability also has A 14 second cooldown Hitting the opponent's block while they Are inflicted with an intimidate debuff Inflicts one indefinite mixed emotion Passive each mixed emotion on the Opponent reduces their block proficiency And opponents can't be inflicted with Both an infuriate and an intimidate at The same time so inflicting one will Remove the other or its cooldown
Finally mantis loses her Focus whenever She's knocked down when that happens the Opponent loses one mixed emotion passing Now when mantis charges her heavy attack While close to the opponent all of their Mixed motion passives are consumed and They're inflicted with the Sleep passing For 0.5 seconds this passive can be Increased by up to 4 seconds based on The amount of mixed emotions consumed This ability cannot be activated while There are no mixed emotions on the Opponent and cannot be activated on Defense While mantis is charging her heavy Attack she builds Fury passives over Time maxing out at 10 stacks And when she releases her heavy attack These Furies remain for 5 seconds Additionally each hit grants mantis a Cruelty buff maxing out at two stacks Now let's check out her special attacks The special one Mantis waves her hand to inflict an Encroaching sleep passive on the Opponent for 14 seconds When this passive expires her opponent Is inflicted with the Sleep passes for Two seconds This ability cannot interrupt special Attacks and can be removed early if Mantis is struck by a special attack While the opponent has a prowess effect Additionally on activation mantis will
Attempt to purify up to two debuffs and For each purify that doesn't remove a Debuff she'll gain a clunt passive for 16 seconds instead each cleanse will Consume itself to instantly purify the Next debuff and fly to mantis whenever a Debuff is purified mantis inflicts two Mixed emotion passives on the opponent With the special two if activated during Mantis's heavy attack this entire Special attack deals guaranteed Critical Hits [Music] The special three At the end of this attack mantis Inflicts a 100 potency tranquilized Debuff for 26 seconds Now let's check out her signature Ability When awakened all of her personal Tranquilize effects under 100 potency Have their potency increased by up to 25 Percent Additionally all personal tranquilized Effects are caused for up to 1.2 seconds When mantis inflicts the opponent with a Mixed emotion passive now let's take her Out for a spin in the champion rotation To begin attack the opponent and dash Back after your first second or third Light attack to inflict your first Infuriate debuff and start playing with The opponent's emotions from here They'll behave more aggressively so
Focus on intercepting the opponent while Infuriate is active to place two mixed Emotion passes on the opponent once your Infuriate is just about expired complete A late attack ending combo to inflict And intimidate debuff and they'll behave Less aggressively and more likely to Block and play with your opponent's Emotions some more continue the process Of cycling infuriate and intimidate While building up to your special tube Once you have 20 mixed emotion passes Complete your light attack ending combo To inflict the opponent with your Intimidate debuff and begin to push them Back towards the wall and then Immediately charge your heavy attack to Convert your mixed emotion passives into A sleep passage while building up 10 Passive theories let the first two hits Of your heavy attack connect then cancel Into your special tube and experience Some mixed emotions of your own when you See those gigantic yellow numbers fly Across the screen now let's check out Some of her notable synergies This run also has mixed emotions with Psycho man on the team whenever mantis Inflicts a mixed emotion passively she Has a 25 chance to inflict another As for psychoman whenever he Cycles this Control Box Mode he gained 20 of a bar Of power over one second this one puts The guard in Guardian with Agent Venom
Nebula or yondu on the team all Champions with the Guardians tag game Additional block efficiency for each Synergy member present this one can Sense that it's complicated with Star-Lord or Gamora on the team the Duration of her personal infuriate and Intimidating Buffs are increased by two Seconds flat with Star-Lord his Elemental guns are no longer random his Fire air water and Earth effects can be Cycled by double tapping block And as for Gamora while she has at least Six personal Buffs active her special Two becomes unblockable This one won't let anything go over your Head with Drax on the team mantises Sleep inflicted by charging her heavy Attack has its duration increased by 0.5 Seconds flat And as for tracks he can now Parry Non-contact attacks This one thinks violence is not the Solution with Rocket Raccoon on the team While mantis has at least one personal Cruelty buff she'll also gain a Precision casting And ask for Rocket Raccoon inflicting a Power drain on the planet with this Special one now consumes 10 scrap Instead of 15. did you see a Synergy That mixed up your emotions thinking of A new Synergy team let us know your Thoughts below and let's discuss
Thank you for watching this Champion Deep dive for mantis And hey if you like the video and want To see more click subscribe like comment And share and remember we'll see you in The battle Realm [Music] [Music] Foreign